Puerto de Luna, a village of some hundred people with the look and feel of a Spanish settlement. Tall cottonwoods spread their branches over old adobe houses. Dirt lanes veer away from the canyon of the Pecos River. The scenic 8 miles State Highway 91 from Santa Rosa crosses the Pecos River in a narrow old bridge, which stands near the site of the old bridge, erected by Corona in 1542, who is reported to encamp here with his army. Puerto de Luna was founded by Spanish settlers in the early 1860th
The historic Guadalupe County Seat of Puerto De Luna colonized in 1863 directly borders the ranch. The Creek Ranch has 8,200 acres and is a cattle ranch under German management. Claudia and Andrea - both trained riding instructors - raise cattle (Black Angus) and invite you to take part in the life of a Working Cattle Ranch as a Cowgirl/Cowboy. You will enjoy the familial atmosphere, because for all that hard work, there is a lot of fun!
This is a nice little settlement, which is worth wile to spend some time to experience the feeling of old times.
Santa Rosa, New Mexico, is the city of the lakes, the historic route 66, the Blue Hole - a deep diving place - and historic buildings and plaza. Once a busy railroad terminal, now cross road of Interstate 40 and Highways 56 and 84 with good restaurants, which serve tasty meals and a bunch of hotels and motels. The scenic State Highway 91 leads south to Puerto De Luna and the Creek Ranch www.creek-ranch.com, one of the best working cattle and guest ranches in the Southwest of the USA.
More Information on Santa Rosa, see www.santarosanm.org
The famous route 66 Auto Museum: We recommend especially the Old timer Auto Museum on Historic Route 66 in Santa Rosa.
Here you find beautiful old cars of all models, which could have travelled on the Route 66. More Information, see www.route66automuseum.com
Fort Sumner is 45 miles southeast of Puerto de Luna on the Pecos River. It was founded before 1850 by Spanish settlers. It has a rich history, which names many legendary Wild West persons, like Charles Goodnight and Oliver Living, who made the Goodnight-Living Trail. More information see www.fortsumnerchamber.com
In 1862 Fort Sumner was established as military fort to persecute and imprison from 1863 to 1868 9,500 Navajo (the Diné) and 500 Mescalero Apache (the N'de) on a reservation called Bosque Redondo. The Bosque Redondo Memorial www.bosqueredondomemorial.com is worth visiting The Bosque Redondo Memorial celebrates these two cultures' dignity, resilience, endurance, courage and strength, in the face of extreme hardship, isolation, sickness and death, to emerge from Bosque Redondo to become the admired and proud people they are today.
In 1881 Billy the Kid was killed by Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner. A very interesting Billy the Kid Museum www.billythekidmuseumfortsumner.com remembers Billy the Kid and the Wild West times, which still linger in Southern New Mexico. Go and have a look, you will not be disappointed.
Contact | Copyright April 2013 |
Pecos Valley Ranch LLC - EIN 99-0371368 | Manager: Joe Nichols, Andrea Behrens, Michael Behrens |
1072 Paseo Del Sol | Tel. +1 575 4720472 creekranchNM@gmail.com |
Puerto De Luna (Santa Rosa) New Mexico 88435 USA | www.Pecos-Valley-Ranch.com |